Logan Heights CDC is here to uplift and support community members by offering education and leadership development resources!
LEARN MORESee what Logan Heights CDC is currently advocating for in the community and find ways to support these campaigns today!
JOIN USAre you a community member in the neighborhood and want to get involved in creating a Community Advocacy Network!
GET INVOLVEDIt is important for our community to write and share their own stories of resiliency, excellence, and everyday issues that need to be called to attention. For this reason, 'Write the Block' is here for community members who would like to share and submit their story as a community member from the Logan & Historic Barrio neighborhood.
Would you like to write and share an important issue or story with us? Are you interested in having your OpEd piece be shared on our community feedback page? Complete the Op-Ed submission form below
SUBMIT AN OP-ED HERE »Photo Credit to Sherman Heights Community Development Corporation (2020 Dia de los Muertos- Logan Heights CDC - Altar de Ofrendas)
Sign-up to receive our monthly newsletters, announcements, & community updates. Check out our previous monthly newlsetters here
As the pandemic continues to impact our communities in Logan & the Historic Barrio District, our organization will be posting resources and information on our website
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates and information
Would you like to volunteer in the Logan & Historic Barrio District? Interested in engaging more in the community! Connect with us today!
Don't miss out on upcoming events in the community! Stay in the loop and check out the upcoming programs here
We want to hear from community members on issues that are important for them in our neighborhood. Fill out the community issue form by clicking the link below and we will connect you with resources or work with you to address the issue
Give Us Your Feedback Here ›››2020 Census Outreach with Christian Ramirez in the Historic Barrio District
Food distribution at the Logan Heights CDC Annual Toy Drive in December 2020
Logan Heights CDC volunteering with Sherman Heights Community Center for their monthly food distributions
Staying COVID-19 safe with Logan Heights CDC. We are still taking appointments and supporting community members throughout the pandemic.