Existing Businesses
Recognizing that Logan Heights with all its culture and richness is an amazing place to have a business. Logan Heights CDC serves as a conduit to connect you with existing businesses and provide access to agencies that can assist you with resources to help you begin or retool your enterprise through funding, financing, consulting, and/or technical support. We can provide you with workshops, growth opportunities, and more to help your business not just survive, but thrive right here in your community.

New Businesses
The Greater Logan Heights Business District wants your business, and we want it to be successful! If you are thinking about locating in the Logan Heights area, now is the time. The reasons why are plenty.
Existing and new businesses can find support for the growth and development of their enterprise. Here are just a few resources!

Business Directory
Our business directory is filled with businesses filled with the best taste, culture, and service bringing out the best of the Greater Logan Heights Area.

Small Business Assistance
Logan Height CDC provides consulting, education, and technical assistance to Logan Heights businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Our Workshops
Our Small Business Department is determined to always keep educating our entrepreneurs, hosting workshops such as LEEP, Walk This Way, and much more.

Upcoming Events
To stay up to date on when our next workshop or event will take place, check out our upcoming events calendar.